Saturday, November 19, 2011

Worlds End In Srilanka

Worlds End means the place which has highest gap in Sri Lanka. This place is situated at the border of Nuwaraeliya, Badulla and Rathnapura districts and also   Horton plains which is highest plain in Sri Lanka. There has two worlds ends one of the small worlds end and other one is big worlds end. The big worlds end is higher than other gaps. You can Travel to this place via Nuwaraeliya,  Pattipola, Ambewela road  or via Boralanda,   Ohiya road.

There are a lot of beautiful places and a lot of beautiful scenarios can be seen in down side of Words End at clear time. In the  morning time the down side is very clear and viewed long distance and beautiful sceneries. After few hours the fully down side attack with mist. What a wonderful thing is happen now. If you see this place I trust you mutter above words. There after this place become the real Worlds End because there is nothing to see down side. You may think there is nothing world along here.

To travel to worlds end is very easy. First you want to come Horton plains via vehicle or by foot. If you get reside near Alawathugoda, Ohiya, Pattipola or near place you can travel by foot. From Horton plains you should go on foot to Worlds End. This way is 5km. When you come the way of Worlds End you met two ways. One of way go to Bakers falls and Plain way is go to worlds end.

When you come to Worlds End road first you meet little worlds end. Little worlds end is same to the main worlds end. But this gap is not higher than main one.

This is our advice. When you visit this place don't dirt this. You must protect this place for our future generation. Lot of deer die by eating polythene. This polythene is brought by you. Don't bring it next time.

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